This publication at one point reached 10,000 homes a month with an ever increasing web presence.

INTERNATIONAL WORD FELLOWSHIP CHURCH is now partnering with RORY SYNOGROUND MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL and together we are launching this publication once again.
This time the vision is to start in Southern MN and Northern Iowa, and then expand to physically reaching every state in the United States of America. Launch day will include a fully operational interactive internet presence, video, radio, and social media presence as well. 

In order for us to achieve this goal effectively, we need $25,000.00 to cover the planned start-up costs. These costs include, correct computer systems, correct and up to date multimedia, and graphic software, video camera equipment, recording equipment, distribution costs, stands, postal permits, etc.

When the Lord instructed Rory to take His Word and heal the brokenhearted, give hope, and form faith, "To Be A Voice of FREEDOM, the vision of FREEDOM was birthed shortly thereafter.

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) is the foundation scripture verse for FREEDOM:

We are to print, broadcast and publish the truth in a way that will heal, inspire hope, form faith and establish the Christian principles in the lives of those we reach.

FREEDOM is the tool that has effectively assisted us in fulfilling that vision.

In May of 2003, after much prayer, Rory started out with a notebook and a pen, and began casting the vision of FREEDOM to some local businesses in the Northern Iowa area. He offered them low cost advertising to cover the costs of printing and distribution of the paper.

In June of 2003 we published our first eight (8) page issue of FREEDOM with sixteen (16) local businesses advertising in it.

It was an immediate success. We received positive feedback from those who read it. There was even a Church Sunday School class using this resource as a teaching tool. It was very exciting to witness the impact this paper had on the lives of those who read it.

As a result of steadfast diligence and through the hard working efforts of Rory’s family and staff, FREEDOM became a sixteen page publication, which was distributed in over 90 cities in the Southern MN, Northern Iowa region.

After a short while, we were finding that FREEDOM was read all over the world as well. In fact whole cities in Africa were supplied hundreds of back issues to hand out as an evangelism tool with wonderful success. We were getting calls and letters from people just like you, who picked up the paper at one of our many free distribution points, and had enjoyed its inspiration and information from all over America.

The Lord led us to expand our reach by creating an online interactive presence. Instantly we had thousands of individuals visiting our site, and requesting physical copies of the publication from all over the world. Europe, Africa, Mexico were just some of the countries that we received reports of readership and requests.

As Rory continued to pray for the mission of FREEDOM, the Lord instructed him that this publication needed to take the next step. He revealed to Rory that the true FREEDOM He bled and died for is under attack. This publication needed to literally take that stand for faith in Jesus Christ and for the FREEDOM that He bought for us.

Galatians 5:1 became another foundational scripture verse; "Stand fast therefore in the liberty where Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

So the mission of FREEDOM is clear. To heal the brokenhearted by strengthening faith, and to take an active stand for the Christian principles of FREEDOM on which the United States of America were founded upon.

Many people did not realize it, but FREEDOM was a reader supported publication. Even though we sold advertisements for the publication, we purposely kept the advertising costs down, to support our local businesses.

Unfortunately in JANUARY of 2011 FREEDOM published its last issue. Without the proper working capital we were unable to keep publishing it effectively with excellence.

For months after the last issue was released, we were getting requests for the publication.

After much prayer and planning, INTERNATIONAL WORD FELLOWSHIP CHURCH and RSMI are partnering up to bring this vision to pass. IT’S TIME to put FREEDOM back into your hands, and the hands of the individuals who need it.

Together IWFC and RSMI are launching this ministry once again, and with your help we will reach our goals. This time, we will not be using just a pen and paper to launch this publication. We will be using every available media resources to communicate this message of FREEDOM!

With your help, we will have the proper working capital to launch and maintain this awesome life changing publication.

We are giving you the opportunity to stand with us in raising the $25,000.00 we have budgeted to effectively launch FREEDOM once again.

This $25,000.00 will aide us in getting the technology and equipment needed to successfully launch this project.

You can become a part of something that impacts your nation and your world as we fight the good fight of faith!

Any means of support will be appreciated, and valued.

We ask that you pray and stand in agreement with us that we have the funds we need to launch this publication and deliver it with excellence.

We will not ask you to give based on emotion or need.

We are giving you the opportunity though to seek the Lord on what He would have you do.

If you need to contact us feel free to write to us at:

827 4th Ave N. E. Austin MN 55912.

You do have an opportunity to give financially through this web site as well.

As you give, we are committed to pray over your donation, and believe with you for a return on your giving. 

We believe that your partnership in this project will produce a recurring blessing in your life that will last for eternity. 

We thank you for being a part of this life impacting cause, and we declare you blessed!

Pastor Ray Tuck
Pastor Rory Synoground

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