By: Tim Wildmon
Now that we are in full blown campaign season all the candidates for president are being asked about their religion. All but Bernie Sanders claim to be a Christian of one stripe or another.
Hillary Clinton is a member of the United Methodist denomination. The UMC is probably the most diverse Christian denomination in the country in terms of his adherents. Politically, a Methodist might just as well be a liberal as a conservative.
Donald Trump is a member of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (Although Trump doesn't seem to know too much about Christianity having said he has never asked God for forgiveness.)
Jeb Bush grew up Episcopalian but converted to Catholicism.
Marco Rubio is a Catholic but has also attends an evangelical church.
Ben Carson is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist church.
Ted Cruz is Southern Baptist.
John Kasich is Jeb Bush in reverse. He went from being a Catholic but is now an Episcopalian.
According to the Pew Research organization 11 presidents have been Episcopalians, eight have been Presbyterian, four have been Baptists, four Unitarian and three have been Methodist. George W. Bush is a Methodist. Interestingly enough, there are more Catholics in America than any other Christian group but we have had only one Catholic president, John F. Kennedy. Barack Obama attended a United Church of Christ (Congregationalist) congregation when he lived in Chicago.
Traditionally Americans have appreciated presidents who have acknowledged the God of the Bible as the supreme being of the universe. One of the best examples of this was President Franklin D. Roosevelt leading the nation in prayer over the radio on June 6, 1944 (D-Day). His prayer began like this:
Wow. Just reading those words gives me shivers.
President Ronald Reagan once gave this prophetic word to his countrymen: "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under."
While Americans understand that we elect a commander in chief, not a pastor in chief, still, I believe – at least I hope – most Americans are still looking for a presidential candidate who has a reverence for God.
I firmly believe God has blessed America in so many ways because we have acknowledged Him over our 240 year history. I know many are praying that our leaders begin to understand this again lest we become a nation gone under.
Bernie Sanders is Jewish.

Donald Trump is a member of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (Although Trump doesn't seem to know too much about Christianity having said he has never asked God for forgiveness.)
Jeb Bush grew up Episcopalian but converted to Catholicism.
Marco Rubio is a Catholic but has also attends an evangelical church.
Ben Carson is a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist church.
Ted Cruz is Southern Baptist.
John Kasich is Jeb Bush in reverse. He went from being a Catholic but is now an Episcopalian.
According to the Pew Research organization 11 presidents have been Episcopalians, eight have been Presbyterian, four have been Baptists, four Unitarian and three have been Methodist. George W. Bush is a Methodist. Interestingly enough, there are more Catholics in America than any other Christian group but we have had only one Catholic president, John F. Kennedy. Barack Obama attended a United Church of Christ (Congregationalist) congregation when he lived in Chicago.
"A person's religious faith is something to consider in a candidate because it affects their worldview, which usually has a great impact on their political ideology."
We have never had an atheist elected president. I am not sure when the American people will be ready for a candidate who says they do not believe in God at all.Traditionally Americans have appreciated presidents who have acknowledged the God of the Bible as the supreme being of the universe. One of the best examples of this was President Franklin D. Roosevelt leading the nation in prayer over the radio on June 6, 1944 (D-Day). His prayer began like this:
"Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity. Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith. They will need Thy blessings …"
Wow. Just reading those words gives me shivers.
President Ronald Reagan once gave this prophetic word to his countrymen: "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under."
While Americans understand that we elect a commander in chief, not a pastor in chief, still, I believe – at least I hope – most Americans are still looking for a presidential candidate who has a reverence for God.
I firmly believe God has blessed America in so many ways because we have acknowledged Him over our 240 year history. I know many are praying that our leaders begin to understand this again lest we become a nation gone under.
America's Godly Heritage by David Barton Format: DVD Price:$14.95 |
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