This video, put out months ago, strikes a note in the current events refrain that we’ve been hearing for quite some time. Yet now it is even more timely…

The temple mount has been a holy site for Jews since the times of Abraham and Isaac, over 4000 years ago. Jews have prayed towards the holy Temple from the time it was built. Two temples were erected on the Mount in Jerusalem. One by king Solomon and the other by King Herod and both functioned as Jewish spiritual centers until their destruction. Yet Jews continued to pray towards the Temple Mount and pray for it to be rebuilt until this day. Prayers and references to Jerusalem and the holy Temple can be found throughout the Jewish prayerbook (siddur). And Jews have come to pray at the Western Wall, the wall that borders the Temple mount, throughout the ages.

New Christian Books, Movies, and MusicIn 1967, Israel took back the old city of Jerusalem in an incredible battle with Jordanian troops who had occupied the area and the entire West Bank for 19 years. As Israeli paratroopers swarmed onto the temple mount and raised an Israeli flag over the gold dome which covers the “dome of the rock” and the place of the Holy of Holies of the Jewish Temple in ancient times, General Motta Gur announced to the Jewish People and to the world “The Temple Mount is in our hands”. Yet the Israeli government, perhaps intimidated by Muslim wrath, gave all authority over the mount to the Jerusalem WAQF – the Islamic Trust. It was hoped that all religions would be free to worship on the Temple Mount. But this was not to be.

Jews have been banned from praying on the Temple Mount so as not to incite the super sensitive Muslims. Jews who dare to murmur prayers on the site are removed and at times arrested for provocative behavior. Moslems on the site do as they wish. They picnic, worship, play soccer and at times riot and throw stones on Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall and on the Mount. Their behavior towards Jews on the Mount is violent and intimidating. The situation is mind boggling. Thus the beginning of the organization “Jewish Freedom on the Temple Mount”.

On October 29th 2014, the movement held a conference at the Begin Center, not far from the old city. The head of JFTM, Yehudah Glick, son of Professor Glick who heads the medical school at Beer Sheva University, father of 6 and foster father of 8, spoke at the culmination of the conference and exited the center. He was shot by a passing Moslem motorcyclists and lies in critical condition in Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem. It was discovered that the attacker, an Israeli Arab with full Israeli rights,had spent 6 years in Israeli prisons for terrorist activities and lived in Abu Tor, a mixed Jewish Muslim neighborhood of Jerusalem. Later,Israeli forces surrounded the attacker’s house and the suspect opened fire. Israeli policemen returned fire and the suspect was killed.

President Abbas, it is said, prior to the shooting called on the Palestinian People to “prevent Jews from visiting the Temple Mount using ‘all means’ necessary.” It seems his words did not fall upon deaf ears.

These are events which have occurred now, October 2014, in Jerusalem. What would be the repercussions of Israel handing over Eastern Jerusalem, which includes the Temple Mount, to the Palestinians? It certainly makes one think…

Source: Israelvideonetwork.com 

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