by Eric Golub
SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA, February 11, 2016 — Dr. Ben Carson is still in the presidential race. At a foreign policy forum in Gaffney, South Carolina, he showed the audience that his calm demeanor comes with steel nerves.
Carson spoke to Americans for Peace, Prosperity and Security (APPS). They deal only in foreign policy. Based on the reaction of the audience, Carson was solid and seasoned. He has definitely boned up on world events and has improved drastically on this issue since he first entered the race.
Speaking of security, one notable occurrence at Carson events is a very heavy security presence. There was plenty of police and other security, which seemed odd given Carson’s low standing in the polls. The event only had room for 100 to 150 attendees. Perhaps Carson has received death threats most likely because of his being a black conservative.
Carson was asked specific, detailed questions about virtually every world hot spot around the globe.
On America’s role in the world, if we don’t lead, “other people will take our position.”
As for what has prepared him to be president, he drew chuckles in noting that only people in Washington think you need to be of Washington.
He has had more 2:00 a.m. phone calls than the rest of the candidates combined. He has put together complex teams and is experienced in dealing with egos. A good leader knows how to gather and organize people. A surgeon does more than perform procedures. They have to explain to the families exactly certain actions are being taken. Specifics are demanded, expected, and delivered.
Carson has a dry sense of humor that works. Students receiving free college from Bernie Sanders can march with him right off the cliff.
Pivoting to the Iran deal, Carson is offering more than the typical day one rhetoric. He want to “start before day one.” After the election, we start talking to our allies. We tell Iranian President Khamenei that “We’re tearing this thing up.” Then Carson would impose even more severe sanctions.
With ISIS, we have to take the oil. “They’re already over here.” San Bernardino is just the beginning.
He is opposed to gun control, and had a very novel idea. “The government should be offering people free courses in how to utilize guns.”
Returning to radical Islam Carson called for an investigation of CAIR. “They are not as benign as people think they are.”
Ben Carson: Can Obama use martial law to keep White House post 2016
More laughs came when he said North Korean leader “Kim Jung Un is a little bit unstable. That is an understatement.”
If they try another cyber attack, Carson would hit him so hard he would never even think about it again. America should foster friendship between South Korea and Japan.
Carson showed a ton of insight into other areas that rarely get talked about anymore.
“We’ve gotten out of the space race. He who controls space controls the earth.”
Carson said “The Chinese people are not pugilistic but they are opportunistic” and that “They are really terrified of anything that affects them economically.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin is “another opportunist,” a “bully,” and a “dangerous individual.”
“I would go and face him in his own territory. America should put “armored brigades in his area” and “Give offensive weapons to Ukraine.”
As for President Obama saying ISIS Is not an existential threat, “What planet is he living on?”
Carson certainly does not consider Edwards Snowden to be a hero. “His actions have been horrible” and “There were other mechanisms.”
Why is Dr. Carson dismissed by mainstream media as an Invisible Man?
Carson was unequivocal. “As far as I’m concerned he’s a traitor.” Carson also made it clear that it is “vitally important we always protect our Fourth Amendment rights.”
On incoming refugees, Carson was again prepared with a serious solution. America should “Declare war on the Islamic state. That will automatically cause us to alter our screening policies.” We should “protect them over there and to repatriate them which is what they really want.”
Carson claimed he was the “strongest supporter of Israel that you’ll ever find” and that “This nation has a very strong Judeo-Christian foundation. Israel is part of us. We’re responsible for their preservation.”
More laughs came when Carson was asked about America’s biggest inherited problem. He said, “virtually everything” before settling on the “destabilization of our financial foundation.” If Carson wanted to destroy America, he would “create wedges between all the people.” He would then drive up the debt, destroy the military, and get out of space. The crowd knew exactly who he meant.
They people in the room was not willing to accept a “new normal” since there is “nothing normal about it.”
Carson ended with what made him famous, his declaration that “God is the fairest of all.” Carson believes in tithing but “a bumper crop does not require triple tithe.” Also, young people probably don’t “know what socialism is.” They confuse socialism with social issues.
Carson spoke to Al Sharpton’s group about true empowerment and received a standing ovation. He knows how to enter unfriendly territory and win people over.
Carson is often criticized for being laconic. He is so calm and relaxed, almost to the point of being asleep. The reason he is cool as a cucumber is because answering questions is nothing compared to trying to separate twins who are conjoined at the head. He did not even get rattled in those situations. If he messes up, the patients could die. Knowing this, he remains calm under pressure and gets the job done.
That sounded to the people at the APPS forum like leadership worthy of a president.
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