by Ben Carson
A Commonsense Plan to Secure the Border, Reform Immigration and Restore the Rule of Law

America is the beacon of freedom and hope to the world. Over the centuries, immigrants of all stripes have come onto our shores, inspired by our ideals and seeking opportunities available only in this country. We have opened our doors to the world, and the world has in turn shaped our culture and heritage and helped create the rich diversity that is one of America’s greatest strengths.

Yet, I believe, as Teddy Roosevelt did, that anyone who comes to this country and wants to be a part of it must accept our laws, our Constitution and our values. We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a sovereign nation of laws. Our sovereignty demands that we protect our borders and make decisions for ourselves, including whom to welcome onto our soil. Our rule of law requires that we uphold the laws – including immigration laws – that the American people have duly enacted.

Dr. Ben Carson talks about Syrian refugees

Currently, our immigration system is broken. Regrettably, our national debate on immigration is characterized by racial pandering and political giveaways. Common-sense solutions are regularly branded as racist, xenophobic and mean-spirited, while prized ideals – such as citizenship – are offered by politicians as handouts in radical attempts to alter our demographics and pave the way to future electoral victories. All the while, terrorists and criminals are doing everything they can to infiltrate our country.

We must do better to protect the homeland while continuing the tradition of welcoming new Americans. Legal immigration will always be a valued pillar of our society, but we need to restore the rule of law and keep this country safe and sovereign.

As president, I will repair our immigration system and do the following:

1. secure the border,
2. implement sensible admission and removal procedures,
3. solve the problem of the existing illegal immigrant population in the United States,
4. address legal immigration and
5. restore the concept of the American melting pot.

Read "my plan", which describes how I will accomplish these objectives.


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